Rowling, Joanne K.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - 6. Band

Lord Voldemort is acting out in the open, continuing his reign of terror which was temporarily stopped almost 15 years beforehand. Harry is again atthe Dursleys.The book picks up shortly after we left Harry in the fifth boook.

Altersempfehlung: ab 13 Jahren.

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Serie / Reihe: Harry Potter

Personen: Rowling, Joanne K.

Interessenkreis: Fantastisches englisch Fremdsprachig

Rowling, Joanne K.:
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - 6. Band / J. K. Rowling. - London : Bloomsbury, 2005. - 607 S. - (Harry Potter)
ISBN 978-0-7475-8108-6 fest geb.

Zugangsnummer: 2011/0347 - Barcode: 05050505
Romane und Erzählungen für Jugendliche ab 12 Jahre - Signatur: Rowli - Buch