Adamson, Lydia
A Cat by Any Other Name

A catnip garden yields a bumper crop of murder for actress-turned-sleuth Alice Nestleton... Alice Nestleton, beautiful off-off Broadway actress-turned-amateur-detective, has been forced into a life of crimeâ€"sleuthing that isâ€"with some cat-sitting on the side. But this hot summer in New York she has taken a hiatus from stage and scene-of-the-crime to join a coterie of cat-lovers in cultivating a Manhattan herb garden. Unfortunately, a party to celebrate their first crop of peppermint tea ends with one of their group going right off the edgeâ€"of a 25th-floor terrace. Alice is stunned and grief stricken at the apparent suicide. But aided and abetted by her two cats, she soon smells a rat. And the help of her own feline-like instincts, the gorgeous gumshoe discovers that the victim’s dearest friends may well have been her most murderous enemies… Be sure to look for A Cat Tells Two Tales, available October 2012 in trade paperback from Obsidian.

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Personen: Adamson, Lydia

Adamson, Lydia:
A Cat by Any Other Name : Penguin USA, 2012. - 169 S.
ISBN 9781101597729

Zugangsnummer: EM-420218684
Signatur: eBook - eMedium