Leon, Donna
🕵 The Girls of his Dreams

The Girl of his Dreams demonstrates how much life is left in the Leon/Brunetti criminal world. A child’s body is found floating near some steps on the Grand Canal – it is that of a dead girl. But there have been no reports of missing children -- and the search for the identity of the youthful victim and her family takes Brunetti to many varied destinations, including a Gypsy encampment on the mainland, and (eventually), he turns up some very nasty secrets. As ever, it’s not just the villains who thwart Brunetti at every turn – it’s the venality and clandestine nature of the establishment that hampers him, almost as a matter of course.

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Personen: Leon, Donna

Schlagwörter: Italien Kriminalroman Venedig Englisch


Leon, Donna:
¬The¬ Girls of his Dreams / Donna Leon. - New York : Vintage Books, 2009. - 325 S.
ISBN 978-0-09-953427-3

Zugangsnummer: 0024437001 - Barcode: 0001243390
Fremdsprachige Literatur: Englisch, Amerikanisch - Belletristik