Spotlight 11 Einfach besser Englisch

Issue 11, 2019

In the Spotlight
News and views from around the world

Peggy's Place
Visit Spotlight's very own London pub

Britain Today
Colin Beaven on certain Members of Parliament

A Day in My Life
Meet a friendly and popular dentist
in Australia

English today
With more than a billion speakers,
English is changing all the time.
What are the big developments
and what do they mean for you,
the learner?

Quiz your English
How well do you know the new
words and phrases that have
become hot in the past few years?
Quiz yourself and find out!

I Ask Myself
Amy Argetsinger on those bad border camps

Paddling round Scotland
A Scottish stand-up paddleboarder
and her Bavarian friend go on a
watery adventure to see Scotland's
coasts and lochs. Highlights include
meeting a surprising man in a kilt
and a look at what's under the surface of Loch Ness.

A visit to Hearst Castle, conceived
100 years ago

Grammar Tales
A fairy tale for learners

American Life
Ginger Kuenzel on the women's vote

Two films and a podcast

Around Oz
Peter Flynn on WikiLeaks founder
Julian Assange

And finally I took the Einbürgerungstest
A humorous look at adjusting to
life in Germany

Press Gallery
Comment from the English-speaking world

Short Story
"29 Hanbury Street"

The Lighter Side
Jokes and cartoons

Feedback & Next Issue
Your letters to Spotlight and upcoming topics

My Life in English
German singer Daniel Aubeck

English Explained
Chad Smith on the often misused verb "to drive"

Words and phrases about athletics

The Grammar Page
On the use of passive and reporting verbs

Language Cards
Pull out and practise

Lost in Translation
A fun look at fascinating words

Everyday English
Dialogues about finding a good work-life balance

The Basics
Easy English

Words that Go Together
The days of the week: the collocation game

Spoken English
How to greet people and pass on wishes

English at Work
Ken Taylor answers your questions

Find the words and win a prize

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Weiterführende Informationen

Personen: Groß, Jan Henrik

Leseror. Aufstellung: Englisch

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

Spotlight 11 / 2019 : Einfach besser Englisch / Jan Henrik Groß. - Planegg : Spotlight Verlag, 2019. - 76 Seiten : Illustrationen ; 28 cm x 21 cm + Vokabeltrainer Teil 1: Telefon, E-Mail & Co.
EAN 4190135308501 Heft : 8,50 EUR

Zugangsnummer: 2019/0547 - Barcode: 2-6185127-4-00017160-1
Allgemeine Zeitungen und Zeitschriften - Signatur: Englisch - Zeitschriftenheft