Spotlight 5 Einfach besser Englisch

In the Spotlight
News and views from around the world

Peggy's Place
Visit Spotlight's very own London pub

Britain Today
Colin Beaven on English football

A Day in My Life
Meet a medical researcher who
lives and works in Dublin

Music special
Music is everywhere: The United States has the largest music market in the world, and technology is helping it to grow. Learn more about what to listen
to and how to listen to it.

Meet a drystone waller who lives
in the US state of Vermont

Grammar Tales
A fairy tale for learners

Press Gallery A
Comment from the English-speaking world

American Life
Ginger Kuenzel on some entertaining new laws

A camping adventure
Just get away from it all: We drive along historic US Route 50 to see Great Basin National Park and Bryce Canyon, and to enjoy the simple life in a big RV.

I Ask Myself
Amy Argetsinger on moving house

Interview: Gruffalo artist Axel Scheffler
The illustrator of the famous children's book, The Gruffalo, talks about his work and about life in
Britain in the age of Brexit

Test your tenses
How good are you when it comes to verb tenses in English? We give you the chance to test yourself, while learning about fun British festivals, anniversaries and sporting events.

Around Oz
Peter Flynn on silly fitness tests

And then I tried to join the Warteschlange
A humorous look at adjusting to life in Germany

Films and an exhibition

Short Story
"A shaggy dog tale"

The Lighter Side
Jokes and cartoons

Feedback & Next Month
Your letters to Spotlight and upcoming topics

My Life in English
Olympic gold medalist Matthias
Steiner and his wife, Inge Steiner

English Explained
Chad Smith on "lie", "lay" and a Bob Dylan song

Doing the laundry

The Grammar Page
Using "as" and "like"

Language Cards
Pull out and practise

Lost in Translation
A fun look at fascinating words

Everyday English
Dialogues about going to an art exhibition

The Basics
Easy English

Words that Go Together
Play and learn: the collocation game

Spoken English
Talking about similarities and differences in English

English at Work
Ken Taylor answers your questions

Find the words and win a prize

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Weiterführende Informationen

Personen: Groß, Jan Henrik

Leseror. Aufstellung: Englisch

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

Spotlight 5 / 2019 : Einfach besser Englisch / Jan Henrik Groß. - Planegg : Spotlight Verlag, 2019. - 76 Seiten : Illustrationen ; 28 cm x 21 cm
EAN 4190135308501 Heft : 8,50 EUR

Zugangsnummer: 2019/0281 - Barcode: 2-6185127-4-00016974-5
Allgemeine Zeitungen und Zeitschriften - Signatur: Englisch - Zeitschriftenheft