Spotlight 9 Einfach besser Englisch

9, 2020

In the Spotlight
News and views from around
the English-speaking world

Peggy's Place
Visit Spotlight's very own London pub

Britain Today
Colin Beaven takes a humorous
look at Britain and the Brits

The Supper Club
Try bunny chow, an Indian curry,

Back to nature?
The concept of rewilding - allowing farmland,
parks and gardens to return to their natural state
- is currently being given renewed attention.
We look at the advantages and disadvantages of
allowing nature to run riot

Short Story
"Love in lockdown"

Around Oz
Peter Flynn writes to us from
down under

We recommend two drama series
and a podcast

We talk to Anna Winger, writer, creator
and producer of the hugely successful
Netflix series Unorthodox

The Great Stink!
In a different kind of travel story, we visit London in summer 1858, the time of a very unusual crisis in th British capital

American Life
Ginger Kuenzel on life
in small-town America

Press Gallery
Comment from the English-
speaking world

I Ask Myself
Amy Argetsinger reflects on the
attraction of unusual sports

A Day in My Life
Meet Bianca Blanche, a cannabis
sommelier in California

The Lighter Side
Jokes and cartoons

Feedback, Proverb, Next Issue
Your letters to Spotlight, a useful
proverb and upcoming topics

Eccentric Life
Joshua Norton, self-proclaimed
Emperor of the United States


English for Now - part 3
We invite you to catch up with
the Naumann family as they use
English in everyday situations

Just Judi
Judith Gilbert's personal view
on the English language

Learn the language of a different
topic in each issue

Everyday English
Brush up on your conversational

The Grammar Page
Master key points of English

Language Cards
Pull out and practise

Lost in Translation
A fun look at challenging words

Spoken English
Colourful idioms and useful

English at Work
Ken Taylor answers your

The Basics
A conversation in easy English

Phonetic Fun
How to pronounce tricky words

The Puzzle Pages
Find the words and win a prize

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Weiterführende Informationen

Personen: Groß, Jan Henrik

Leseror. Aufstellung: Englisch

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

Spotlight 9 / 2020 : Einfach besser Englisch / Jan Henrik Groß. - Planegg : Spotlight Verlag, 2020. - 76 Seiten : Illustrationen ; 28 cm x 21 cm
EAN 4190135308501 Heft : 8,50 EUR

Zugangsnummer: 2020/0125 - Barcode: 2-6185127-4-00019115-9
Allgemeine Zeitungen und Zeitschriften - Signatur: Englisch - Buch