Ludlum, Robert
The Tristan Betrayal

1940: The Nazis are at the height of their power - France is occupied, Britain is under threat of invasion,
America is neutral and Russia has an uneasy alliance with Germany.
American Stephen Metcalfe is a well-known man-about-town in Paris. He's also a minor asset in the US's
secret intelligence forces in Euroe. Now he must travel to Moscow to find, and possibly betrag, a former lover...

1991: the Communist empire is on the verge of oblivion. President Gorbachev is a virtual prisoner, and a coup is
being planned by a powerful new cabel. Stephen Metcalfe, now a retired Ambassador , must return to Moscow and
finally reveal a secret that has haunted him since the fall of Berlin ... a secret that might just avert a global cataclysm.

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Personen: Ludlum, Robert

Leseror. Aufstellung: Englisch Krimi

Schlagwörter: Krimi Englisch Ludlum

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

Ludlum, Robert:
The Tristan Betrayal / Robert Ludlum. - London : Orion, 2004. - 503 Seiten ; 17,5cm x 11cm
ISBN 978-0-7528-5906-4 Pp : 9,90

Zugangsnummer: 2011/0685 - Barcode: 2-6185127-4-00004198-0
Literaturen germanischer Sprachen (anglo-amerikanische, skandinavische, niederländische und flämische Literaturen) - Signatur: Englisch; Krimi - Buch