- International leadership: Are we witnessing
the end of the American era? (+ Übungsmaterial)
- Opinion: The coronavirus crisis will pass,
but life may never be 'normal' again
(+ Übungsmaterial)
- Climate: Coronavirus shutdowns reduce
greenhouse gas emissions - but they may
roar back
- Society: Americans find tying knot too
expensive (+ Phase6-Vokabeltrainer)
- Asian Americans: 'We're an afterthought'
- Health: Report calls time on boozy
Westminster culture (+ Phase6-Vokabeltrainer)
- Trade: Post-Brexit, Britain is going its own way
(+ Übungsmaterial)
- Housing: Tiny homes movement wins big in
New Zealand
- Nigeria: They ordered her to be a suicide bomber.
She had another idea. (+ Übungsmaterial)
- Workplace: Employees speak out on big tech
- Health care: The webcam will see you now
- Language: Oxford Dictionaries is cleaning
up sexist language
- Cars: NASCAR is making its trickiest turn
yet: hybrid engines
- History: How Mount Disappointment got its name
- Science: During a pandemic, Newton
had to work from home, too
- Book world: 'The Mirror and the Light' by
Hilary Mantel
Weiterführende Informationen
Serie / Reihe: World and Press
Leseror. Aufstellung: Englisch
WORLD AND PRESS May 2 / 2020 : Sprachtraining - Landeskunde - Vokabelhilfen. - Bremen : Schünemann KG, 2020. - 16 Seiten : zahlr. Ill. (z.T. farb.) ; 37 x 26 cm. - (World and Press)
Zeitung : 2,50 EUR
Allgemeine Zeitungen und Zeitschriften - Signatur: Englisch - Zeitschriftenheft