Smit, Dirk J.
Gegenwart des lebendigen Christus Calvins Theologie des Abendmahls als ÷kumenische Herausforderung

This contribution shows that Calvin developed a rather flexible and open understanding of the Eucharist, as he was interested in a broad consensus of the reformatory positions on this issue. According to Calvin, the Eucharist centers on Christ's presence, which can be distinguished into five dimensions: as living, spiritual, sacramental, Eucharistic and ecclesiastical presence. This differentiated approach, which is open to consensus, renders Calvin's concept of the Eucharist an "ecumenical offer" also for the present. In the course of its history, however, the Reformed Church departed significantly from Calvin's doctrine of the Eucharist (e. g., by the widespread interpretation of the Last Supper as memorial supper) and is hence challenged by Calvin's original interpretation.

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Personen: Smit, Dirk J.

Schlagwörter: Jesus Christus Calvin Íkumene Abendmahlsverstõndnis

Smit, Dirk J.:
Gegenwart des lebendigen Christus : Calvins Theologie des Abendmahls als ÷kumenische Herausforderung / Dirk J. Smit, 2014. - S.423-432
Einheitssacht.: Realprõsenz

Zugangsnummer: 2015/1752