Frey, Christofer
Glaube und Lernen: Geist, Geister, Heiliger Geist

New insights especially into the meaning of the notion of the 'spirit' are hardly realized by a comparison of statements, but rely on existential questions which are raised owing to new experiences. Inside systems of an empirically oriented thought there seems to be no space for the general notion of the spirit and, even more, for the notion of the Holy Spirit. But what is truly real - the mere sense data or the structured data which presuppose form, mathematical and logical intuitions and even communicational standards which integrate them into a cosmos of language? Where the spirit is recognized there is more than a chaos of sense data. A convincing conception of the order of life in the totality of being and in history needs a primary perspective which - according to the New Testament is given by God's spirit revealing the world in an eschatological perspective. This essay tries to demonstrate that the otherworldliness of the Holy Spirit is a transcendence inside the corporal world, which should be comprehended by an analogy to the incarnation of Christ. Therefore tendencies to prefer the third article of the Christian faith to the second should be received with caution.

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Personen: Frey, Christofer

Schlagwörter: Heiliger Geist Wirklichkeit Erfahrung

Frey, Christofer:
Glaube und Lernen: Geist, Geister, Heiliger Geist / Christofer Frey. - 26, 2011. - S.118-132
Einheitssacht.: Geist

Zugangsnummer: 2012/0476