Maurer, Ernstpeter
Glaube und Lernen: Geist und Spiritualität in religionsphilosophischer Sicht

The word 'spirit' implies a special experience of self-identity and of transcendence. Personal relations are paradigmatic of this experience, which combines unity and difference of the self and the other person, ecstatic loss of self-control and creative widening of the mind. Personal relations may also be paradigmatic of experience of reality in general, which is relational throughout and thereby mysterious and spiritual. 'life' and 'language' are the characteristic categories of this reality, which is never disclosed to a re-ductionist view and which may in turn disclose the creative presence of the divine spirit.

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Personen: Maurer, Ernstpeter

Schlagwörter: Spiritualität Geist Vernunft Religionsphilosophie

Maurer, Ernstpeter:
Glaube und Lernen: Geist und Spiritualität in religionsphilosophischer Sicht / Ernstpeter Maurer. - 26, 2011. - S.190-208
Einheitssacht.: Geist

Zugangsnummer: 2012/0491