Rupp, Hartmut
Glaube und Lernen: Was kann und soll der Religionsunterricht leisten?

This essay observes the heterogeneity of high school students and presupposes that learning should tend to produce competences, which should enable to address fundamental questions of life and stimulate religious education to display its contributions for life management skills. Therefore the essay argues that religious education should comprise different points of view, should build religious knowledge centered about basic notions of the self the world and a good life, and bring into play the Christian faith as a source of freedom and responsibility.

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Personen: Rupp, Hartmut

Schlagwörter: Religionsunterricht Bildungsauftrag Erziehungsziel Religiöse Kompetenz

Rupp, Hartmut:
Glaube und Lernen: Was kann und soll der Religionsunterricht leisten? / Hartmut Rupp. - 25, 2010. - S.171-191
Einheitssacht.: Glaube und Lernen

Zugangsnummer: 2011/7637