Rothgangel, Martin
Kompetenzorientierter Religionsunterricht theoretische Potentiale - empirische Desiderate - problematische Implementierung

The discussion about competences and standards has been very vivid in religious education since 2003/2004. Three main lines of that discourse can be distinguished: First, the theoretical discussion about the problems and chances of competences in religious education and about several competence models in terms of religious education. Second, the implementation of competence orientation into the practice of religious education. Third, empirical research about competences in the field of religious education. Especially two problems emerge from the overview: Competence orientation took place much too fast and (sufficient?) empirical research is still lacking. It is difficult to predict the further development of competence orientation. But the current situation calls for cumulative empirical research and the establishment of minimal standards in religious education.

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Personen: Rothgangel, Martin

Schlagwörter: Religionsunterricht Kompetenzorientierung Bildungsstandards Empirische Forschung

Rothgangel, Martin:
Kompetenzorientierter Religionsunterricht : theoretische Potentiale - empirische Desiderate - problematische Implementierung / Martin Rothgangel, 2014. - S.311-319
Einheitssacht.: Wo steht die Religionsdidaktik?

Zugangsnummer: 2015/1723