Dieterich, Veit-Jakobus
Neuer Atheismus und Religionsunterricht

The impetus of New Atheism is not only specifically critical towards religion, it also tries to influence the development and education of adolescents through antireligious children's books that are heavily based on clichés (section 1). Studies in developmental psychology and sociology of adolescence show that the common juxtaposition of belief in God vs. atheism has become obsolete for the majority of adolescents, even if individual patterns of argumentation of New Atheism matter for certain ways of thoughts and attitudes (section 2). Therefore, it would be wise if curricula and school books for religious education covered the topic (section 3). It can be implemented in lessons in three ways: through provocative discussion, treatment of multi-perspectival approaches to reality, and through highlighting and reflecting on the momentum of religious criticism in the biblical or theological perspective itself (section 4).

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Personen: Dieterich, Veit-Jakobus

Schlagwörter: Religionsunterricht Neuer Atheismus

Dieterich, Veit-Jakobus:
Neuer Atheismus und Religionsunterricht / Veit-Jakobus Dieterich, 2013. - S.193-210
Einheitssacht.: Neuer Atheismus

Zugangsnummer: 2015/0789