Domsgen, Michael
Sensibilisieren, vor Augen f³hren und plausibilisieren lerntheoretische und schulpõdagogische Perspektiven

With the increase of non-denominational pupils, the insight into how knowledge is conditioned by the social and local context gains significance for religious education. The following article examines the interaction of teaching/taught players within the classroom setting of religious education. The fundamental didactic responsibility is to sensitize pupils for religious interpretations and -lifestyle and to mark its plausibility beside a natural-scientific worldview which is common sense. According to the article this may be reached by creating possibilities and settings within the lessons allowing the pupils to be in contact with authentic representatives and by addressing essential issues concerning their life. Finally, the author expounds the prospects of the empowerment-concept within classroom settings and formulates a standard of religious education saying religious education has to enable the development of personality in its social context.

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Personen: Domsgen, Michael

Schlagwörter: Religionsunterricht Religionsdidaktik Konfessionslosigkeit Lerntheorie Religi÷se Bildung Empowerment

Domsgen, Michael:
Sensibilisieren, vor Augen f³hren und plausibilisieren : lerntheoretische und schulpõdagogische Perspektiven / Michael Domsgen, 2014. - S.243-252
Einheitssacht.: Konfessionslosigkeit

Zugangsnummer: 2015/1620