Ebach, J³rgen
Vers÷hnung - biblische Erinnerungen und Intuitionen

This contribution maps out biblical traces of reconciliation within the spectrum of love and justice. Surprisingly, especially motifs that appear to be opposed to an attitude and practice of reconciliation bear a helping hand. This applies to "an eye for an eye" as practice of dealing with the consequences of guilt as well as to the concept of God's revenge as a possibility of refraining from one's own retribution without giving up the general idea of justice. This basic tension underlies both the stories of reconciliation - which are surprisingly rare in the Bible - and a ritual of reconciliation. Moreover, this contribution addresses the difference between reconciliation and forgiveness and finally discusses the impetus that biblical reminiscences can give for present action of reconciliation, even if offender and victim are not connected by a common relation to Bible and faith.

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Personen: Ebach, J³rgen

Schlagwörter: Bibel Schuld Vers÷hnung

Ebach, J³rgen:
Vers÷hnung - biblische Erinnerungen und Intuitionen / J³rgen Ebach, 2014. - S.337-349
Einheitssacht.: 25 Jahre danach: das Thema Vers÷hnung

Zugangsnummer: 2015/1654