The Matrix is a dystopian vision of the future. The Matrix represents a post-apocalyptic, technology-controlled dystopia and deals with the maintenance of an imperfect society. Exercises and sample answers. How does The Matrix blend in with other works of dystopian fiction? Which familiar dystopian elements do the filmmakers take up and how do they play with them / change them? Is the movie comparable to the 'novels of ideas' we dis-cussed (Brave New World or Nineteen Eighty-Four) or do you also find formulaic elements that links the film to works such as The Island and Northern Lights?
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Serie / Reihe: Infos und Materialien zur Filmanalyse
Ausgewählte Aspekte einer Filmanalyse: The Matrix (directed by the Wachowsky Brothers) (in english) : Übersicht der Sequenzen des Films (mit Minutenangabe), Interpretationsansätze und Arbeitsmaterialien für die Schüler : School Scout, 2008. - 3 S.