Gardemann, Jan
Hidden shadows Cotton FBI

Digital Series. Episode 3: New York. Hundreds of commuters just barely escape with their lives when an attack on the George Washington Bridge fails. The attempt falls in line with a chain of acts of sabotage that occurred at famous landmarks in the past few weeks. Obviously, someone is targeting prominent structures in New York. What are the perpetrator's objectives? Agents Jeremiah Cotton and Philippa Decker are facing a mystery. Until there is another attack. Right before their eyes. Nearly 1,000 feet above Manhattan - on the Empire State Building ... A new legend is born! COTTON FBI is a remake of a world famous cult series with more than one billion copies sold and appears bi-weekly with a self-contained story in each e-book episode.

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Personen: Gardemann, Jan Cohen, Sharmila

Gardemann, Jan:
Hidden shadows : Cotton FBI ; 3 : Bastei Lübbe, 2014. - 54 S.
ISBN 9783838747477

Zugangsnummer: EM-363396439