Brann, Amy
How to Support Your Employees' Well-Being

Managers face sometimes-daunting tasks. When your employees are struggling with burnout, stress, work-life imbalance, and other life challenges that may impact their performance and productivity, how can you support them? In this course, UK-based instructor Amy Brann provides specific tools based on brain science to help you be a source of strength and support for your employees. She discusses your role in your employees' well-being and how you can positively impact your employees' experience at work. Amy explains how to recognize, address, and prevent employee burnout. She points out questions you can ask a struggling employee to create honest discussions and practical, science-based tools to support struggling employees. Amy concludes by describing ways you can communicate effectively and create psychological safety to promote happiness and well-being in the workplace.

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Personen: Brann, Amy

Brann, Amy:
How to Support Your Employees' Well-Being : LinkedIn, 2021. - 00:34:52

Zugangsnummer: EM-1611205824