Shapiro, Abba
Learning Perfect Photo Suite 8

Abba Shapiro introduces Perfect Photo Suite, eight powerful modules that allow you to enhance photos, add effects, swap backgrounds, retouch portraits, and convert color photos to evocative black-and-white images. Perfect Photo Suite can be used as both a standalone application and integrated with Aperture, Lightroom, and Photoshop. Abba covers both workflows, and delivers three different adjustment challenges, which help you test your skills. This is an introductory course produced by RHED Pixel to help both beginner and seasoned photographers quickly realize the benefits of Perfect Photo Suite 8. We are honored to host this training in our library.

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Personen: Shapiro, Abba

Shapiro, Abba:
Learning Perfect Photo Suite 8 : LinkedIn, 2014. - 03:41:30.00

Zugangsnummer: EM-1505196162