Stevens, Taylor
The Vessel A Vanessa Michael Munroe Novella

Some people were easy to find. Others took hunting and patience. The most difficult was a target who knew she was coming, and he knew. How could he not? When you backed a predator into a corner, when you took and destroyed all that she loved, when you made a game of ruining lives and sadism for you was sport, but then you failed to kill the predator: you’d better know she was coming back. This was an inviolable law. She wasn’t dead, and so she was coming for him. She had his face, had the name of a city. In the right hands, anything could be mined into so much more. She would find him. Kill him. Simple as that.

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Personen: Stevens, Taylor

Stevens, Taylor:
The Vessel : A Vanessa Michael Munroe Novella : Random House Digital, 2014. - 105 S.
ISBN 9780553419900

Zugangsnummer: EM-399940338