Johnson, Trent Kennedy
Think A Glimpse of Plagio. Episode 6

Fresh from prison, but seemingly no better for it, Maddox is a young man with a long history: attempted school shooter, possible psychopath, and former therapy client to Kathy "Think" Lipinski. Today, Think has one last shot with Maddox when he's placed under her surveillance. Will Maddox try to hurt someone again? Is that what Think is hearing in that head of his? Or is she reading into it...? And could this all be related to why Think is being "listened to" in the first place? About the series: Kathy "Think" Lipinski is a brilliant, yet disgraced psychotherapist who has changed careers to become a probation officer. The job is perfect for Think: a ground-breaking and highly controversial technology has made it possible to telepathically monitor the thoughts of convicts on probation. From now on, Think can listen to the thoughts of her "protégés" in her head. But every innovation comes at a price, and soon Think must ask herself whom she can trust - herself included... Trent Kennedy Johnson is a freelance writer based in Los Angeles, California. He most recently wrote the six-book crime series THE BAY for Bastei Entertainment, and is a graduate of Columbia College Chicago.

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Personen: Johnson, Trent Kennedy

Johnson, Trent Kennedy:
Think : A Glimpse of Plagio. Episode 6 : Bastei Entertainment, 2019. - 177 S.
ISBN 9783732574209

Zugangsnummer: EM-1105723658