Hyde, Cathrine Ryan
Pay It forward

When tewlve-year-old Trevor accepts this social studies teacher´s assignment to come up with a plan to change the world, his idea is simple. Do a good deed for three people and ask them each to "pay it forward" to three others who need help....

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Personen: Hyde, Cathrine Ryan

Standort: St. Georg

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

Hyde, Cathrine Ryan:
Pay It forward / Cathrine Ryan Hyde. - New York : Simon & Schuster, 2015. - 261 S.
ISBN 978-1-4814-0940-7

Zugangsnummer: 3015/0404 - Barcode: 2-1110195-4-00009963-9
Kinderbücher für Kinder zwischen 8 und 12 Jahren - Signatur: Hyde - Buch