Various Artists
Slumberland World Lullabies

15 Lullabies for Parents & Children ● in English, Hebrew, Spanish and Swiss. Soothing voices from Ireland (Anna Murphy/Eluveitie), Israel (Idan Raichel), Colombia (Marta Gomez), Switzerland (Roland Zoss, Céleste Remy). Sleep is precious and dreams are sacred. «Slumberland World Lullabies» unites an international selection of touching voices in this very special album of ancient-sounding hymns. Composed by Swiss poet Roland Zoss and featuring musicians and singers from Ireland, Israel, Colombia, Persia, Sweden, Austria and Switzerland. The Slumberland songs bring us back to where we all come from: the land of our childhood. Through the voices of Anna Murphy, Idan Raichel, Marta Gomez, Roland Zoss and others, these beautiful songs in several languages are now available to children, their families and friends all over the globe.

How Dear You Are
Lila Lula (Man in the Moon)
Train to Slumberland
Little Witch
I Hear a Bell Ring
Mighty God
Little Girl of Mine
Duermete Mi Niño
Mil Motias Blancas
Nanna Na-Na
Lila Lula
La Brujita
Chumm Mamma
I ha di gärn

Altersempfehlung: ab 1 Jahren.

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