The Brit Kids Allstar Band
The Brit Kids Allstar Band: The Brit Kids Music Box, Vol. 3

The Teddy Bears Picnic
There Were Ten in a Bed
Three Blind Mice
Tommy Thumb
Girls and Boys Come out to Play
Ride a Toy Horse
Hickety Pickety
Miss Polly Had a Dolly
Little Boy Blue
The Farmers in His Den
Tom Tom the Pipers Son
Dingle Dangle Scarecrow
Do Your Ears Hang Low
Little Jack Horner
Peter Rabbit
Jack Sprat
Simple Simon
The Runaway Train
Pease Pudding Hot
Peter Hammers
Yankee Doodle Dandy
There's a Worm at the Bottom of the Garden
Cobbler Cobbler Mend My Shoe
Mary Had a Little Lamb
Goosey Goosey Gander
This Little Piggy Went to Market
There Was an Old Women Who Lived in a Shoe
Bobby Shaftoe
Ging Gang Goolie
Rub a Dub Dub

Altersempfehlung: ab 4 Jahren.

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