Gotthardt, Peter
The Magical Falcon 2 - The Falcon in Chains

Yet another adventure with Prince Carvallo and the three children. Soon after their last adventure in the garden of the evil sorceress, Sandra, Sigurd, and Monika are visited by the prince once again. This time, however, he is the one to suffer at the hands of the evil ruler of Isengrim in the land of cold winter. Of course that our friends want to save the prince, but the fortress appears impregnable. But what if there is a secret cipher that grants access to its interior? "The Falcon in Chains" does not disappoint the fans with a lot of action, dangerous escapades, and the power of friendship.

In "The Magical Falcon", Peter Gotthardt moves from his preferred and rich elven themes and moves to the realm of the magical. Of course, magic is an important element in his entire work, but here he praises it enormously. It follows the adventures of three children, whose quite ordinary lives are turned upside down by the appearance of Prince Carvallo, who takes them to a magical land.

Altersempfehlung: ab 8 Jahren.

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