E Alexander, Jacqueline
Wizzy's Words

Wizzy's Words is a book of modern nursery rhymes, providing a well-researched resource for parents, carers, family and educational practitioners, to share with children from birth. We all love the nursery rhymes we grew up with, learning to recite them continues to be fun. However, traditional nursery rhymes contain the vocabulary from their times. Nearly 25% of children continue to miss age-appropriate targets, for oral vocabulary, by the end of their reception year. Although many of the rhymes follow traditional tunes, Wizzy's Words rhymes contain the oral vocabulary, associated with educational and life-long success in our times. The rhymes have been designed to appeal to all children regardless of ability.
As children need to hear words before they can say, read and write words, Wizzy's Words will be available in paperback, ebook and audiobook formats. The variety of formats and the range of children's school entry needs, means that Wizzy's Words can be adapted from 1-1, to small group and whole class sharing/teaching in the pre-school and school setting. Primarily, however, sharing the rhymes vocally and aurally, before pre-school and school entry and in the same 1-1 fashion that traditional rhymes have been shared, will underpin successful early oral vocabulary development.

Altersempfehlung: ab 1 Jahren.

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