Johnstone, William W.
The Uninvited

It was like any other spring day in the quiet, peaceful community of Lapeer Parish, Louisiana. But for Sheriff Vic Ransonet it was the beginning of a nightmare. People were disappearing without a trace. Animals were being eaten right down to the bone. Lush fertile fields of crops were being stripped bare. But the sheriff knew the evil that lurked in the barns, sheds, and homes of the sleepy parish. He had seen the creatures with his own eyes. He had heard the clicking of their jaws, the signal that they were on the move to feed their ravenous appetites. And if he couldn't stop them, then every man, woman, and child would die, and Lapeer Parish would be wiped off the map.

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Personen: Johnstone, William W.

Johnstone, William W.:
The Uninvited : Random House Digital Dist, 2015. - 448 S.
ISBN 9781616507848

Zugangsnummer: EM-400588541
Signatur: eBook - eMedium