Kennedy, Grant
Mr. Goose: Risk & Reward

Set on the River Doon, near the famous Burns' Cottage, this children's book is an endearing story about personal risk and resilience. Plunge into the absorbing adventure and get to know the unforgettable characters who live on the river...Let Mr. Goose take you on his adventures; from making the decision to change his direction in life, to the challenges he faces along the way. He encounters many ups and downs, from severe weather and unfriendly animals to making many new friends and finding a place to call home.This book opens discussions about facing fear and change...

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Personen: Kennedy, Grant

Interessenkreis: Englisch Fremdsprachig

Kennedy, Grant:
Mr. Goose: Risk & Reward / Grant Kennedy. - Independently published, 2022
ISBN 979-86-346-4914-6 Broschur

Zugangsnummer: 2022/0287 - Barcode: 00029039
Bilderbücher, Sachbilderbücher für Kinder im Vorschulalter; MCs, CDs, CD-ROMs, Videos für Kinder bis 5 Jahre - Bilderbuch