Williams, John
Star Wars a Musical Journey ; Music From Episodes I-VI

20th Century Fox Fanfare; Across The Stars; Anakin's Theme; Battle Of The Hearos; Ben's Death / Tie Fighter Attack; Binary Sunset; Cantina Band; Duel Of The Fates; Jawa Sandcrawler; Luke Leia; May The Force Be With You; Princess Leia's Theme; Star Wars Main Title; The Forest Battle; The Imperial March; The Throne Room; Yoda's Theme

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Personen: Williams, John

Schlagwörter: Klavier

Interessenkreis: Gute Noten für alle

Williams, John:
Star Wars : a Musical Journey ; Music From Episodes I-VI / John Williams : Alfred Publ.
ISBN 978-0-7390-4846-7 : EUR 23,95

Zugangsnummer: 2016/0259 - Barcode: 00002253
Textbücher, Liedersammlungen - Signatur: Mu 1.6 Willi - Buch