Kinney, Jeff
Diary of a Wimpy Kid - the last straw - Band 3 the last straw

Gregs Tagebuch in englisch

Greg's dad, Frank, is on a mission - a mission to make this wimpy kid, well, less wimpy. All manner of 'manly' physical activities are planned, but Greg just about manages to find a way out of them. That is until military academy is is mentioned and Greg realizes that he's going to have to come up with something very special to get out of this one . . .

Altersempfehlung: ab 12 Jahren.

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Serie / Reihe: Diary of a Wimpy Kid 3

Personen: Kinney, Jeff

Schlagwörter: englisch

Interessenkreis: Englisch

Kinney, Jeff:
Diary of a Wimpy Kid - the last straw - Band 3 : the last straw / Jeff Kinney : Penguin Group, 2009. - 224. - (Diary of a Wimpy Kid; 3)
ISBN 978-0-14-135803-1

Zugangsnummer: 2021/0112 - Barcode: 2-1240207-4-00006454-5
Kinderbücher für Kinder zwischen 8 und 12 Jahren - Signatur: Kinne - Buch