Adams, Douglas
The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy A Triology in Five Parts

This outrageous volume contains six zany, out-of-this-world adventure stories by this incomparable novelist. From the very first to the very latest-all best sellers-includes The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; The Restaurant at the End of the Universe; Life, the Universe and Everything, So Long and Thanks for all the Fish; Young Zaphod Plays it Safe; and Mostly Harmless.

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Personen: Adams, Douglas

Schlagwörter: Wissen

Englisch Adams

Adams, Douglas:
The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy : A Triology in Five Parts / Douglas Adams : Wings Books, 1996. - 815 S.
ISBN 978-0-517-14925-6

Zugangsnummer: 1028/0636 - Barcode: 01028636
Englisch - Buch