Golding, William
Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies remains as provocative today as when it was first published in 1954, igniting passionate debate with its startling, brutal portrait of human nature. Though critically acclaimed, it was largely ignored upon its initial publication. Yet soon it became a cult favorite among both students and literary critics who compared it to J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye in its influence on modern thought and literature.

Labeled a parable, an allegory, a myth, a morality tale, a parody, a political treatise, even a vision of the apocalypse, Lord of the Flies has established itself as a true classic. And now readers can own it in a beautifully designed hardcover edition worthy of its stature.

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Personen: Golding, William

Leseror. Aufstellung: EL 2.2.3 9/EF Gol

EL 2.2.3

Golding, William:
Lord of the Flies. - 2. Aufl. - London : Penguin Books. - XI, 313 ; 20 cm
ISBN 978-0-399-53337-2 Broschur

Zugangsnummer: 2019/0093 - Barcode: 2-6165797-5-00022195-5
Englische Literatur, Lektüren 9/10 - Buch