Meyer, Stephenie
The short second life of Bree Tanner Bd 5 The twilight saga

Newly turned vampire Bree Tanner lives in terror -- and must find her way out of untold danger -- in this pulse-pounding novella, a companion to Eclipse.

Bree Tanner, a self-described "vampire nerd" first introduced in Eclipse, lives in terror in a coven of newborn vampires. She is a member of Victoria's vampire army, and as that army closes in on Bella Swan and the Cullens, she finds her first friend and discovers a truth about daylight.

While fans may know how it ends, they don't yet have the full story: Bree's tale of danger, mystery, and romance is one for the books.

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Personen: Meyer, Stephenie

Leseror. Aufstellung: EL 1 Mey


Meyer, Stephenie:
¬The¬ short second life of Bree Tanner Bd 5 : The twilight saga / Stephenie Meyer. - London : Atom. - 178 Seiten. - (The twilight saga; 5)
ISBN 978-0-349-00131-9 Broschur

Zugangsnummer: 2020/0380 - Barcode: 2-6165797-5-00022988-3
Autoren/Werke von A bis Z - Buch