Apostolat Militaire International, Vught The Consequences of Armed Conflicts, Especially for Catholic Soldiers and Their Families in the Background of "Laudato Si". Mercy in Military life. Future of AMI

Artikel von Werner Freistetter: "Laudato Si'" and its Implications in Armed Conflict - Do We Need an Update of Gaudium et Spes

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Personen: Freistetter, Werner Sinn, Norbert Nelleke Swinkels - van de Vorst

Schlagwörter: Soldat Katholische Kirche Militärseelsorge AMI Laienapostolat

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Apostolat Militaire International:
Apostolat Militaire International, Vught / Netherlands 2016 : The Consequences of Armed Conflicts, Especially for Catholic Soldiers and Their Families in the Background of "Laudato Si". Mercy in Military life. Future of AMI / Edited by: Apostolat Militaire International - MajGen (ret) Norbert Sinn, Nelleke Swinkels - van de Vorst. - Wien : Republic of Austria / Federal Ministry of Defence ad Sports, 2017. - 148 Seiten : Illustrationen. - Printed and bound by: Armed Forces Printing Centre, Vienna/Austria BMLVS/HDruckZ 17-01792
ISBN 978-3-902761-35-4 Broschur

Zugangsnummer: 00009653 - Barcode: 2-2114240-4-00009800-7
Militärseelsorge international bzw. allgemein - Bücher