Swarup, Vikas
Q & A Now filmed as Slumdog Millionaire

Former tiffinboy Ram Mohammad Thomas has just got twelve questions correct on a TV quiz-show to win a cool one billion rupees. But he is brutally slung in prison on suspicion of cheating. Because how can a kid from the slums know who Shakespeare was, unless he is cheating?

In the order of the questions on the show, Ram tells us which incredible adventures in his life on the streets gave him the answers. From orphanages to brothels, gangsters to beggar-masters, and into the homes of Bollywood's rich and famous, Ram's story is brimming with the chaotic comedy, heart-stopping tragedy and joyousness of modern India.

Altersempfehlung: ab 12 Jahren.

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Personen: Swarup, Vikas

Schlagwörter: Englisch

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig

Swarup, Vikas:
Q & A Now filmed as Slumdog Millionaire / Vikas Swarup. - Great Britain : Black Swan, 2006. - 282 S.
kartoniert : EUR 13,-

Zugangsnummer: 2010/1042
Romane und Erzählungen für Jugendliche ab 13 - Signatur: Swar - Buch