Mateus-Berr, Ruth
Teaching Artistic Research conversations across cultures

With artistic research becoming an established paradigm in art education, several questions arise. How do we train young artists and designers to actively engage in the production of knowledge and aesthetic experiences in an expanded field? How do we best prepare students for their own artistic research? What comprises a curriculum that accommodates a changed learning, making, and research landscape? And what is the difference between teaching art and teaching artistic research? What are the specific skills and competences a teacher should have?

Inspired by a symposium at the University of Applied Arts Vienna in 2018, this book presents a diversity of well-reasoned answers to these questions.

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Weiterführende Informationen

Serie / Reihe: Edition Angewandte

Personen: Mateus-Berr, Ruth Jochum, Richard

Schlagwörter: Kunstproduktion Forschung Lehre Kunsterziehung Wissensproduktion

LH 61300 M425-01

Mateus-Berr, Ruth:
Teaching Artistic Research : conversations across cultures / edited by Ruth Mateus-Berr, Richard Jochum. - Berlin : De Gruyter, 2020. - 222 Seiten : Illustrationen. - (Edition Angewandte)
ISBN 978-3-11-066239-9

Zugangsnummer: 00007497 - Barcode: 2-9195200-2-00008451-2
Kunstgeschichte, Dias-Sammlungen, Kunstpostkarten-Sammlungen - Buch