Trollope, Joanna
Daughters-in-Law Roman

Rachel loves being at the centre of her large family. She has devoted herself fiercely to bringing up her three sons, but at their childhood home on the wide, bird-haunted coast of Suffolk, Rachel finds that her control begins to slip away. Other women - her daughters-in-law - are usurping her position.

Altersempfehlung: ab 14 Jahren.

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Personen: Trollope, Joanna

Schlagwörter: England Familie Sohn Mutter

Interessenkreis: Fremdsprachig Englisch

Zba Troll

Trollope, Joanna:
Daughters-in-Law : Roman / Joanna Trollope. - London : Transworld, 2011. - 429 S.
ISBN 978-0-552-77640-0 kt. : EUR 7,99

Zugangsnummer: 2016/0102 - Barcode: 2-9330241-6-00016651-5
Romane, Erzählungen - Buch