Katzenbach, John
The Analyst

Happy fifty third birthday, Doctor. Welcome to the first day of your death. Dr. Frederick Starks, a New York psychoanalyst, has just received a mysterious, threatening letter. Now he finds himself in the middle of a horrific game designed by a man who calls himself Rumplestiltskin. The rules: in two weeks, Starks must guess his tormentor's identity. If Starks succeeds, he goes free. If he fails, Rumplestiltskin will destroy, one by one, fifty-two of Dr. Starks' loved ones-unless the good doctor agrees to kill himself. In a blistering race against time, Starks' is at the mercy of a psychopath's devious game of vengeance. He must find a way to stop the madman-before he himself is driven mad. . . .

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1 KöB St. Andreas, Altenstadt

Personen: Katzenbach, John

Schlagwörter: Englisch Thriller

Interessenkreis: Thriller Englisch

Katzenbach, John:
The Analyst / John Katzenbach : Ballantine, 2002. - in englischer Sprache
ISBN 978-0-345-42627-7 Pp : EUR 5,00

Zugangsnummer: 2009/0027 - Barcode: 200400024624
Schöne Literatur - Signatur: Katze - Buch