Green, John
Looking for Alaska
Schöne Literatur

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53 Lern- und Medienzentrum, Mainz

Serie / Reihe: Senior English Library

Personen: Green, John

Schlagwörter: Jugend Freundschaft Emotional Erwachsen werden Internat

Interessenkreis: Englisch Englischsprachig Jugendroman USA

Green, John:
Looking for Alaska / John Green. - 1.Aufl. - Berlin : Cornelsen, 2010. - 222 S. - (Senior English Library; .). - Miles Halter is tired of his boring and lonely life at home in Florida, so he decides to go to a boarding school he makes friends with a group of youngsters - including the beautiful and intelligent yet unhappy alaska Young - who open a whole new world for him. Looking for Alaska is a novel about adolescents in their final years at school who are discovering friendship, love and desire, and learning how trust, responsibility, grief and loss are an integral part of human experience.
ISBN 978-3-06-031125-5

Zugangsnummer: 0014798001 - Barcode: 00053618
E Ro - Signatur: E Ro Gree - Schöne Literatur