Thompson, Joanna
Season of love

Angaben aus der Verlagsmeldung Season of Love / von Joanna Thompson Mission Impossible: Emily still has to keep her relationship with Sam a secret. Thats not easy when youre sharing a room with gossip queen Amanda Dobson. Its even more difficult when youre as head over heels in love as Emily is. But Emilys ex-boyfriend Ed must not find out that Sam and Emily are together otherwise the mood in Sam and Eds band will turn icy. Can things get any crazier? Yes, of course they can. When Emilys Auntie Nora kisses Santa at the Christmas party, the fun really starts ... Englisch mit Spaßfaktor in der Reihe "Freche Mädchen - Easy English!" Band 3 der Unterreihe "Girls' School", mit Worterklärungen zum leichteren Verständnis! Ab 12 Jahren


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Serie / Reihe: Girls' school

Personen: Thompson, Joanna

Schlagwörter: Softcover / Kinder- und Jugendbücher/Jugendbücher

Thompson, Joanna:
Season of love. - Stuttgart : Thienemann, 2009. - 108 S. - (Girls' school; .)
ISBN 978-3-522-50087-6

Zugangsnummer: 1729 - Barcode: 00010558
Fremdsprachige KJL Englisch - Signatur: JF.E Thom - Buch