Mühling, Markus
Die Plausibilität des Evangeliums und widerständige Theologie 11 Thesen

In 11 theses the author distinguishes between the plausibility of the gospel as an effect of divine action, which enables human action, and the tendency of affirmation or disaffirmation of the gospel, which relies on human social work. Whereas humans can only contribute to the plausibility of the gospel if they refreign from producing plausibility, they are able to further plausibility as a social tendency of affirmation or disaffirmation by explicating the gospel. However, a deeper look reveals that it is actually a social environment of disaffirmation that supports an explication of the gospel that satisfies theological standards, since it furthers a theology of resistance. As such, the present situation of social disaffirmation in north-western societies is no reason for lament, but should be taken as an opportunity for explicating the gospel in a way that encourages a theology of resistance.

Enthalten in:
Kerygma und Dogma; 2023/1 Zeitschrift für theologische Forschung und kirchliche Lehre (2023)

Serie / Reihe: Kerygma und Dogma

Personen: Mühling, Markus

Schlagwörter: Evangelium Theologie Thesen Plausibilität

Mühling, Markus:
¬Die¬ Plausibilität des Evangeliums und widerständige Theologie : 11 Thesen / Markus Mühling, 2023. - Seite 91-98 - (Kerygma und Dogma) Muss Glaube plausibel sein?

Zugangsnummer: U-0416955
Theologie - Zeitschriftenartikel