Dienstbeck, Stefan
Jenseits aller Fiktion die eschatologische Dimension der Theologie von Gunther Wenz

According to Gunther Wenz, the love and justice of god constitute a differentiated context. Their connection can be seen in all topoi of the Christian dogmatics. The purpose of this article is to fathom the specifically eschatological dimension of the fundamental theme of Wenz's theology. Here, the emphasis has been placed on the internal reference lines that develop from the doctrine of god to Christology and Soteriology to Eschatology. Therefore, the latter, as the end of the dogmatic system, shall be examined regarding its dogmatic requirements and shall finally be surveyed in relation to its sources.

Enthalten in:
Kerygma und Dogma; 2015/4 Zeitschrift für theologische Forschung und kirchliche Lehre (2015)

Serie / Reihe: Kerygma und Dogma

Personen: Dienstbeck, Stefan

Schlagwörter: Gottesvorstellung Eschatologie Wenz, Gunther

Dienstbeck, Stefan:
Jenseits aller Fiktion : die eschatologische Dimension der Theologie von Gunther Wenz / Stefan Dienstbeck, 2015. - S.339-361 - (Kerygma und Dogma)

Zugangsnummer: U-0333521
Theologie - Zeitschriftenartikel