Simojoki, Henrik
Konfessionell-kooperativer Religionsunterricht Zwischenbilanz und Zukunftsperspektiven

Enshrined in the Basic Law, Religious Education (RE) in Germany at schools is "confessional" - and hence closely linked to the religious communities, in particular the Catholic and the Protestant church. This does, however, not imply a mono-denominational structure (and even less a catechetical approach) of RE in Germany. On the contrary, due to the ongoing pluralisation, educational innovations and ecumenical progress, inter-denominational cooperation has become a decisive feature of RE in Germany in the last decades, with a plurality of forms and regional variations. This article gives an overview over the current state of this specific type of RE in German federal states. It accentuates conceptual innovations and structural improvements, but also critically reflects on some underlying tendencies which contradict the basic ecumenical and inclusive intention of inter-denominational cooperation. Finally, perspectives for further development are presented.

Enthalten in:
Evangelische Theologie; 2020/1 Zweimonatsschrift (2020)

Serie / Reihe: Evangelische Theologie

Personen: Simojoki, Henrik Woppowa, Jan

Schlagwörter: Situationsanalyse Konzept Konfessionell-kooperativer Religionsunterricht Zukunftsperspektive

Simojoki, Henrik:
Konfessionell-kooperativer Religionsunterricht : Zwischenbilanz und Zukunftsperspektiven / Henrik Simojoki und Jan Woppowa, 2020. - Seite 16-28 - (Evangelische Theologie) Religionsunterricht im Wandel

Zugangsnummer: U-0379443
Religionspädagogik - Zeitschriftenartikel