Pfleiderer, Georg
"Schöpfung" und "Sünde" in ethischen Diskursen liberaler Gesellschaften

The two Christian key concepts "creation" and "sin" refer to an understanding of human life which interpret it as bodily, vulnerable, sociable life destined to individual freedom, but actually unable to realise its destiny without the courtesy of mutual forgiveness. The reference to an absolute transcendental personal ground for such forgiveness is based on the actuality of the latter. (1) In ethical discourses of liberal, secular societies, the two Christian key concepts "creation" and "sin" are mostly abanded for different reasons and in different intensity, in addition they are at least partly replaced by secular concepts like "human dignity" and "responsibility". Nevertheless, such replacements do not function perfectly. At least the concept of creation is already reappearing in secular political contexts (like the Swiss constitution of 1999). (2) There is a need and also an opportunity to re-import those Christian concepts into secular ethical dialogues. For that purpose they have to be interpret by connecting them with basic human biographical experiences of social and bodily individualisation. (3) A good example for both, the problems of a purely secular understanding of basic human relationship and the helpful potentiality of a Christian solve such problems are the present ethical and legal debates on marriage and family. The German term "Lebensgemeinschaft" (cohabitation, properly: "symbiotic community" or "community of life") which is often used to define a (intentionally exclusive) privileged partnership refers to anthropologic concept of individuality which is itself fundamentally connected or connectable with associations being preserved in the Christian concepts of "creation" and "sin".

Enthalten in:
Kerygma und Dogma; 2015/4 Zeitschrift für theologische Forschung und kirchliche Lehre (2015)

Serie / Reihe: Kerygma und Dogma

Personen: Pfleiderer, Georg

Schlagwörter: Säkularisierung Ethik Sünde Schöpfung

Pfleiderer, Georg:
"Schöpfung" und "Sünde" in ethischen Diskursen liberaler Gesellschaften / Georg Pfleiderer, 2015. - S.321-338 - (Kerygma und Dogma)

Zugangsnummer: U-0333520
Theologie - Zeitschriftenartikel