This essay approaches the topic of vulnerability from the perspective of a phenomenology of the body, not focusing on deficits but understanding vulnerability as a fundamental form of affectedness that implies both the risk of being physically and mentally hurt and the ability to love. A basic tenet for practical theology is the oscillation between fundamental and situative vulnerability continually producing new forms of vulnerable life. Perceiving these oscillations very carefully is a central task, especially for poimenics and the theory of occasional services. From a theological perspective, it is about a hidden sense of possibilities and about an implied processual orientation within the perception of human createdness.
Enthalten in:
Evangelische Theologie; 2017/3 Zweimonatsschrift
Serie / Reihe: Evangelische Theologie
Personen: Bieler, Andrea
Bieler, Andrea:
Verletzlichkeit : leibphänomenologische Erkundungen im praktisch-theologischen Interesse / Andrea Bieler, 2017. - Seite 167-176 - (Evangelische Theologie)
Theologie - Zeitschriftenartikel