Hamilton, Nadine
Zur Gegenwart Gottes in der Welt im Gespräch mit Dietrich Bonhoeffer über ein evangelisches Verständnis von Sakramentalität

This contribution aims to answer the question of whether there is such a thing as a Protestant understanding of general sacramentality, as is traditionally the case for Catholic theology. This paper argues that as a result of productive conversation with Catholic colleagues, an understanding of sacramentality and the sacraments emerges which also proves to be viable and fruitful in Protestant terms. I will examine whether it is possible to sketch an understanding of a general doctrine of the sacraments and, beyond that, of sacramentality itself, which begins with Jesus Christ as the original and genuine sacrament. Only from Jesus Christ, namely, can reality itself be understood as not remaining unaffected by God`s unwavering devotion to His creation, which is sustained in and through His presence and which allows for a deeper understanding of the individual sacraments.

Enthalten in:
Kerygma und Dogma; 2018/4 Zeitschrift für theologische Forschung und kirchliche Lehre (2018)

Serie / Reihe: Kerygma und Dogma

Personen: Hamilton, Nadine

Schlagwörter: Protestantismus Schöpfungstheologie Bonhoeffer, Dietrich Katholische Theologie Sakramentalität

Hamilton, Nadine:
Zur Gegenwart Gottes in der Welt : im Gespräch mit Dietrich Bonhoeffer über ein evangelisches Verständnis von Sakramentalität / Nadine Hamilton, 2018. - Seite 265-283 - (Kerygma und Dogma)

Zugangsnummer: U-0365950
Kirche - Zeitschriftenartikel