Grisham, John
🔫 Camino Island Someone is about to make a killing

Valued at $25 million /Though some would say priceless), the five manuscripts of F Scott Fitzgerald`s only novels are among the most valuable in the world - and now they`re gone. After an initial flurry of arrests, both they and the ruthless gang of thieves who took them have vanished without trace
[Quelle: Verlagsangaben]

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Personen: Grisham, John

Standort: Fremdspr. Lit.

Interessenkreis: Thriller Englisch Fremdsprachig


Grisham, John:
Camino Island : Someone is about to make a killing / John Grisham. - 1. Auflage. - London : Hodder & Stoughton Ltd, 2018. - 308 Seiten. - Text in Englisch
ISBN 978-1-4736-6375-6 kartoniert : EUR 6,00

Zugangsnummer: 2020/1076 - Barcode: 2-3020002-7-00031517-3
Romane, Erzählungen, Dramen, Lyrik, Sammlungen - Buch