Fokkelman, J. P.
Narrative Art and Poetry in the Books of Samuel A full interpretation based on stylistic and structural analyses. Vol. 1: King David (II Sam. 9-20 & I Kings 1-2)

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Personen: Fokkelman, J. P.

Schlagwörter: Bibelauslegung Altes Testament David

JU 1.10 - 62

Fokkelman, J. P.:
Narrative Art and Poetry in the Books of Samuel : A full interpretation based on stylistic and structural analyses. Vol. 1: King David (II Sam. 9-20 & I Kings 1-2) / J. P. Fokkelman. - Assen : Van Gorcum, 1981. - 517 S.
ISBN 978-90-232-1851-7

Zugangsnummer: 0003/1472
Judentum - Bibel und Bibelauslegung - Buch