Brown, Rita Mae
Pay Dirt A Mrs. Murphy Mystery

Introduction: Once again murder and mayhem have come to Brown's (Wish You Were Here, LJ 11/1/90) sleepy little town of Crozet, Virginia, heralded by the arrival of a leather-clad biker who storms up to historic Ash Lawn (James Monroe's home) demanding to see the "thieving slut" Malibu and upsetting the docents. Later, when the biker's body is found in Sugar Hollow, postmistress/detective Harry Haristeen, accompanied by the incorrigible cat Mrs. Murphy and Welsh corgi Tee Tucker, finds herself in the middle of the investigation. A computer virus that threatens the local bank and two love triangles are only some of the complications that spice up the plot.

Personen: Brown, Rita Mae

FrB Bro

Brown, Rita Mae:
Pay Dirt : A Mrs. Murphy Mystery / Rita Mae Brown. - 2. - New York : A Bantam Books, 1996. - S. 249
ISBN 978-0-553-57236-0

Zugangsnummer: 0006972001
FrB - Bücher